Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Impact Of Exercise On Happiness Essay
The Impact Of Exercise On Happiness Essay The impact of exercise on happiness has long been interest to researchers and many researches had identified that exercise as a cause of joy. Happiness is consisted of three components which are positive excitement, life satisfaction and the absence of negative state like depression and stress. Exercise refers to planned, structured, and repetitive movement to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness (Knà ¶chel et al., 2012). Other than physical benefits such as reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, exercise has also psychological benefits which including greater levels of positive mood and happiness, lower levels of depression and anxiety (Reed Ones, 2006). People who exercise are happier and more sociable than people do not participate in exercise. Meta-analyses and comprehensive reviews have clearly showed that exercise minimize self-reported anxiety and depression. Reed and Ones (2006) meta-analytic review of 158 studies concluded that exercise can helps to increase positive mood. For instant, participants who took part in a ten weeks exercise program for mood-enhancing purpose, they experienced significantly increased self-esteem after complete the program. Moreover, experiments done on American and Italian teenagers showed that they are at the happiest state when they get involved in sports and games (Huang Humphreys, 2012). According to the findings, regular exercise results in life satisfaction, increases happiness and improves general health in students (Gatab Pirhayti, 2012). There are students who practice regular exercise such as jogging to maintain health. On the other hand, Forrest and McHale (2010) as cited in Huang Humphreys (2012) found that women who engaged in physical activity reported higher well-being than women with similar characteristics who did not engage in physical activity. Problem Statement and Significance of Study Many students claimed that they do not have time to exercise as homework and assignments have taken up all their time. They would rather spend their time surfing internet, playing online games or hanging out with friends when they are free. Some students who are obese do not practice regular exercise and they have lower level of happiness. Exercise and food choices are areas for improvement. Furthermore, group exercises will increase happiness in students (Gatab Pirhayti, 2012). For example, males are more likely to be involved in group exercise such as playing basketball, badminton and football. In sports and group activities, people will learn to help others, cooperation in teamwork and thus can build stronger friendship and self-confidence that lead to happiness. Planned Activity Procedure An exercise program was scheduled and planned for the participants (6 group members of the assignment: 2 males and 4 females) during the initial 2-4 weeks of the trimester at their university. All participants were aged 21-22. The instruction regarding the exercise and completion of Authentic Happiness Inventory Questionnaire was being posted in the Facebook group page prior to the starting of exercise program. Before and after the whole exercise program, participants are required to complete the Authentic Happiness Inventory Questionnaire to assess their pre- and post-activity level of happiness. Participants were being told to jog lightly for a period of 30 minutes at moderate pace and intensity. Jogging sessions took place in Westlake Garden which located near to participants house area while the questionnaire and self reflection were being done individually by participants seated at home or any indoor area. There were at least 3 jogging programs being conducted in group each week . All exercise program were took place in early evening (around 5.30 PM), with the condition when the weather was fine. Rationale for the Activity Chosen Part of the rationale that jogging or walking was chosen was because it is safe and effective in promoting health. At the same time, it was expected to be enjoyable or at least tolerable for everyone across a wide range of fitness level and body weights (LePage and Crowther, 2010). Walking was being emphasized as a significant example of appropriate lifestyle activity for it is readily accessible and easily regulated exercise. This rationale is supported by the assumption that lower intensity of activity tends to be adopted and maintained for longer period of time (Ekkekakis, Backhouse, Gray and Lind, 2008). In short, moderate intensity is more likely to be practice for long period than high-intensity activities. Theoretical Approaches There are many interesting theories which are related about happiness and also to explain how people can gain happiness and increase their happiness level. Theories related to happiness will be like flow, hedonic, eudaimonic and learned helplessness. Theories chosen to be discussed on how exercise related to happiness are theory of flow and hedonic theory of happiness. Theory of Flow We are interested in Csikszentmihalyis theory of flow because the experience of being in flow is fairly common for people, and they are also easy to be recognized this condition. According to Csikszentmihalyi (as cited in Compton, 2005), flow denotes the holistic sensation present when we act with total involvement. Human always gain happiness or enjoyment when they put attention towards the content of the activity. For instance, when a person who is exercise lover, they will always tend to enjoy and found happiness during their exercise moment, they may pay attention towards what they are doing, and do not conscious their surroundings. Therefore, flow theory can explain how the athletes increase their happiness during exercise. Flow is the experience that allows people to enjoy life, feel happier and function better. Firstly, the characteristic of action and awareness are merged is explaining on how people feel inside the activity (Compton, 2005). Next, flow is complete concentration on the task at hand, which complete concentration and centering of attention on the activity of the moment and the concentration appears effortless. Distractions are excluded from the consciousness, people will not focus on the distractions anymore but put attention at the task (McGuinness, 2006). Thirdly, when people is in flow, they will be lack of worry about losing control, which means they have a sense of control, they feels they are in complete control of their action. In additional, flow is a loss of self-consciousness, which ego part of human is quieted, and we do not have to think before we act, we are not trapped in an internal conflict between various options (Compton, 2005). Others than that, being in flow, time is no longer seems to pass in ordinary way, which means time seem to pass more quickly than usual. Next, flow is refer to the experience is done for its own sake rather than a means to another goal. Flow also accompanies a challenging activity that requires skill which personal challenge of an activity may pushes individuals skill level, and requisite concentrate is produced that can induce the flow experience (Compton, 2005). Hedonic Theory of Happiness The other theory which can explain well about happiness is hedonic. According to Norrish and Vella-brodrick (2008), this theory explains that in order to be happy, we must maximize our pleasure while on the same time minimize experience that is painful. Thus, happiness will only occur if pleasure experience and sensory gratification are more than the painful experience. If painful experience is more than pleasure experience, then happiness is unlikely to occur. Hedonism also call hedonic well-being includes the idea that pleasure is the basic motivating force behind most of the human behaviors but also recognize that certain pleasures require positive social interactions with other people (Compton, 2005). It comprises of an affective component such as high positive affection and low negative affection, and also the cognitive component which the satisfaction with life (Happiness and Positive Psychology, 2010). Rationale of Theories Chosen As compared to eudaimonic theory, hedonic theory is more suitable for us to access happiness in this assignment because it can be retrieve easily by asking person current emotional state and also it can be experience easily in different situation. In eudaimonic, people may do not experience fully and when they are not achieve certain category. During sport time, participants may experience happiness when they involved in social interaction with other, playing with others, they increase their positive mood (maximizing pleasant) and forget their sad moment, they are more satisfied towards their current situation, which is no stress and relax (minimizing unpleasant). Therefore, people are more enjoy during in sport moment, because they more involved in activity and presence of positive mood. Last but not least, there have a lot of different theories to talk about happiness, however being in flow and hedonic is easy to access and understand in general. Literature Review Exercise Intensity Different intensity of exercise can also bring different impacts on mood and exercise motivation. People tend not to continue with exercise when it is high-intensity activities as compared to moderate-intensity physical activities (Ekkekakis, Backhouse, Gray and Lind, 2008). Optimal benefits of exercise happen in moderate level, but not low or high intensity exercise (Reed Ones, 2006). This is further supported by Farahani, Saiah, Heidary, Nabilu, and Eskandaripour (2011), saying that regular exercise results in higher life-satisfaction, relaxation, self-esteem, joy than highly intense exercise. It was found that positive effects exist only for exercise duration up to 35 minutes and last for at least 30 minutes after exercise before returning to baseline (Reed Ones, 2006). Walking was being recommended as a prime example of appropriate moderate intensity activity. Many choose walking as their physical activity because it is readily accessible and easily regulated exercise (Anderson and Brice, 2011). It is not good to exercise or involves in sport activities overly. Study showed individuals exercising at high levels exhibit greater eating pathology than individuals who exercise moderate levels (LePage Crowther, 2010). Affective Effects of Physical Exercise Since 1981, a lot of literature reviewed that exercise decreases negative psychological states like self-reported anxiety and depression. It is proven that exercise can reduces tension, anxiety and anger effectively (Yeung, 1996 as cited in Stubbe, Moor, Boomsma Geus, 2007). This is a consistent finding because it is congruent with the finding of Huang and Humphreys (2012) that exercise enhances mental well-being through improved mood and it can be considered as an effective treatment for clinical depression and anxiety. Wininger (2007) as cited in Anderson and Brice (2011) called these reductions in negative mood states as sense of relief effect. This is because sport activities can produce anti-depression effects started from the moment we start exercise and it will stay for some time after finishing the exercise (Kiyani, Mohammadi Sattarzadeh, 2011). This result from the study of Birkeland, Torsheim and Wold (2009) also showed that there are weak but significant negative relatio nships between leisure-time activity and depressed mood. Alfermann and Stoll (2010) as cited in Stanley Cumming (2010) found that exercise was positively correlates with stress-management and control-orientation. Besides from improved well-being, it was also found that exercise can leads to greater ability to cope with stress (Holley et al., 2010 as cited in Knochel et al., 2012). Results from the study of Raedeke, Focht Scales (2009) showed that exercise was associated with positively activated affective states. One of the reason athletes participate in sport is because they can gain fun, enjoyment, challenge and excitement from the activity (Farahani, Saiah, Heidary, Nabilu and Eskandaripour, 2011). Behavioral Effects of Physical Exercise Physical exercise and quality of sleep. The American Sleep Disorders Association had considered physical exercise as a modality of non-pharmacological treatment for sleep disorder (Santos, Tufik, Mello, 2007). Some researches had shown the positive effect about physical exercise and improve the quality of sleep. Physical activity not only associated with better sleep in the general population. Physical activity may also improve the sleep quality among those with sleeping disorders (Loprinzi Cardinal, 2011). And in Brand et al. (2009) research had shown that the adolescent athletes reported better sleep patterns as well as psychological functioning when compared to sedentary control. Any fatiguing activity during daytime that in turn results in a greater metabolic requirement for compensatory night-time sleep also can improve the quality of sleep (Youngstedt, OConnor Dishman as cited in Fairbrother, 2011). Moreover, daytime exercise is a leading factor associated with the best qual ity night-time sleep (Youngstedt Kline, 2006 as cited in Fairbrother, 2011). Happiness and quality of sleep. Insufficient sleep is one of the unhealthy behaviors that can influence the happiness level of individual. The people who was insufficient sleep has shown that easily feeling tired, low energy and unable to concentrate on the task and those behavior has directly linked to lower levels of happiness (Chuah, et al., 2010). Insufficient sleep also can lower the levels of happiness by indirectly way. For example, the people who lack of sleep will decrease the productivity at workplace or school; increase the chance to get injuries (Choi, et al., 2006) negative effect toward interpersonal interactions with others (Totterfell et al, 1994 as cited in Hansen, 2012). In conclusion, time of sleep and quality of sleep has negative correlation with level of happiness. By improve the quality of sleep will improve the level of happiness. Cognitive Effects of Physical Exercise Physical exercise and self esteem. Exercise is a proven way to increase self-esteem (Myers, Sweeney, Witmer, 2000). Research has indentified that physical activity behavior have a strong correlated to self esteem in both children (Strauss, Rodzilsky, Burack, Colin, 2001), adolescents (Erkut Tracy, 2002) and adults (McAuley et al, 2000 as cited in Haugen, Sà ¤fvenbom, Ommundsen, 2011) Experiences in the physical activity context are proposed to influence perceptions of self-efficacy. Change in self-efficacy can lead to higher level change in four sub domain perceptions of the physical self (sports competence, physical condition, body attractiveness and physical strength), which may then generalize to improvement in an overall sense of physical self-worth. Change in physical self-worth may then generalize to global self-esteem. And perception of self also play an important role in overall feeling of self esteem (Sonstroem et al, 1994 as cited in White, Kendrick, Yardley, 2009). M oreover, physical activity can improve self-image, self-confidence; relieve stress tension and premenstrual tension, increased alertness, increased energy, increased ability to cope with stress and moods (Greist Jefferson, 1992 as cited in Greenberg Oglesby, 1996) Biological Effects of Physical Exercise One of the ways to gain happiness is by releasing some neurotransmitter that can make people feel happy. The neurotransmitter that can improve the level of happiness is serotonin, endorphin and dopamine (Breuning, 2011). Numerous biological and chemical hypotheses have been proposed to explain the effects of exercise on positive psychological health. One theory implies that exercise increases serotonin levels and that the release of endogenous opioids from the pituitary gland acts as a mood enhancer and antidepressant. Endorphin is the neurotransmitter that as the bodys natural painkiller and start releasing the individual after begins the exercise. Endorphin improves the level of happiness by four key effects on the body: they can relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance the immune system and postpone the aging process. If we continuous exercise for more than 30 minutes then release of these hormones (Rokade, 2011). Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter thought to be involved in mood modulation and inhibition of emotional systems (Panksepp, 1982 as cited in Williams, et al., 2006) Serotonin improves happiness level by change the negative mood. Lower platelet serotonin was associated with lower mood (Peirson Heuchert, 2000 as cited in Young, 2007) whereas better mood was associated with higher blood serotonin levels in human body (William et al , 2006). There are two mechanisms by which physical activity increases brain serotonin. First, motor activity increases the rate and frequency at which serotonin is fired within the brain, resulting in an increase in both the release and synthesis of it. Secondly, regular exercise increases the level of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is an amino acid used to manufacture the serotonin (Turcotte, 2011). Physical Exercise Provide Opportunity for Socialization Literature shows that those who participate in group sports are happier and more sociable (Kiyani, Mohammadi, and Sattarzadeh, 2011). At the same time, to be a social person is one of the ways to increase the level of happiness as human being is a social creature. This is shown in the study of Raedeke, Focht Scales (2009) that people reported higher exercise enjoyment and greater intentions of joining similar exercise activities when they feel more engaged and revitalized. Sport exercises were being recognized as the easiest and powerful way for creation of positive social relationship with others because it is usually in group form (Talebzadeh and Samkan, 2011). Study support the significant relationship between exercise and level of happiness, it is reported that people who involved in sports and group activities will learn to help others, teamwork, gain friendship and thus have a happy life (Gatab and Pirhayti, 2012). There is congruent with the study of Farahani et al., (2011), stated that there are socialization processes when participate in sport activities because they are able to be with others and feel the sense of belonging to a group. Besides, exercise is also able to enhances communication, benchmarking, strength feedbacks, social and communication skills (Newman, 2011). The level of authentic happiness was being analyzed in terms of scores and percentage as shown in Table 1.0. After carrying out several exercises, obviously the level of authentic happiness among our group members had increased. In order to have a more accurate result, we took one test separately before starting any exercise activities and another test after exercising. The scale that Chin ling scored before exercising was 2.92 and after exercising were 3.29. Kok Heng scored 1.80 before exercising and 2.04 after exercising while Pooi Hean obtained 2.67 before exercising and 3.29 after exercising. The scaled that Kai Shen gained before exercising was 3.13 and after exercising were 3.63. For Jie Yings scale before exercising were 3.46 and after exercising were 3.54. Before exercising, Su Inn scored 2.13 and 3.13 after exercising. The results shown that the level of authentic happiness will be increase when exercise. The least increasing of the scale is 0.08 while the most increasing of the scale is 1.0. After exercising, the highest scale of the authentic happiness scale among our group members is 3.63 out of 5.00. Qualitative Analysis of Activity Personal reflection in the form of diary or journal was analyzed according to different themes. In this case, thematic analysis was used to examine how different aspect of exercise (biological, cognition, affection and behavioral) influence level of happiness. Biological Influence on Happiness. Throughout the entire exercise activities, Chin Ling found that she became happier and cheerful. This can be explained that exercise can improve happiness by releasing some neurotransmitter which included serotonin, endorphin and dopamine that can make people feel happy (Breuning, 2011). Moreover, sport activities can produce anti-depression effects started from the moment we start exercise and it will stay for some time after finishing the exercise (Kiyani, Mohammadi Sattarzadeh, 2011). Affective Influence on Happiness. Besides, Chin Lings stress also released through exercise. In the meanwhile, Kok Heng also pointed out that feeling better after exercising as he had time to relax from the assignment and midterm. Moreover, Pooi Hean also found that exercise helped her to keep her mind calm and relax after facing computer for a long period. She also said that exercise is not tiring but helped to minimize her tiredness. Kai Shen declared that that is the moment he can totally free himself from stress and just focus on the conversation when we are jogging or walking together to the same direction. All these statement supported by researchers that exercise can leads to greater ability to cope with stress (Holley et al., 2010 as cited in Knochel et al., 2012). Behavioral Influence on Happiness. Some researchers had shown the positive effect about physical exercise and improve the quality of sleep (Loprinzi Cardinal, 2011). The level of happiness will be improved when the quality of sleep is improved. All these statements are congruent with the reflection of Pooi Hean who mentioned that exercise helped to reduce her insomnia problem and she will be more energetic the next day. Jie Ying also pointed out that she felt energetic as well after exercising and has more motivation to done with her assignment. She also had the experience of sleeping very well after exercising. Cognitive Influence on Happiness. Other than that, Pooi Hean stated that she felt good after exercising because she can lost weight in a very healthy way. She also said that exercise is a great way to keep fit, maintain health and have a better body image. The more she satisfied with the body shape, the more she feels confident and happy. Furthermore, Kai Shen mentioned that he didnt know how much weight he had lost throughout exercise but he just knows that he feel more confident with his body image. Besides, he had more positive thought about his own health as compared to last time which he didnt do much physical activity. All these reflections are congruent with some researches that physical activity can improve self-image, self-confidence; increased alertness, increased energy, increased ability to cope with stress and moods (Greenberg Oglesby, 1996). Opportunity for Socialization. Kok Heng also stated that he felt happy as he really enjoyed the moment with friends. Also, the interaction with friends and get to know more about them let Jie Ying felt very joyful and enjoyed during exercise. Moreover, Kai Shen mentioned that after exercising, the first thing he gains is a better relationship among his friends. He enjoyed not only the satisfaction of the exercise itself, but more of the chit-chating part which allow them to talk about all kind of things. These reflections are congruent with literature shows that those who participate in group sports are happier and more sociable (Kiyani, Mohammadi, and Sattarzadeh, 2011). Sport exercises were being recognized as the easiest and powerful way for creation of positive social relationship with others because it is usually in group form (Talebzadeh and Samkan, 2011). This is true that most of our group member claimed that exercise can improve the relationship among friends. Hedonic theory also stated that certain pleasures require positive social interactions with other people (Compton, 2005). Hedonic can be retrieve easily by asking person current emotional state In Flow during Exercise. Other than that, Su Inn enjoyed the walking session with her friends. Surprisingly she found that the time passed very fast when they were walking to campus. They laughed and talked as well as enjoyed the nice view along the pathway when walking. This phenomenon is congruent with flow theory when being in flow, time is no longer seems to pass in ordinary way, which means time seem to pass more quickly than usual (Compton, 2005). She complete focused in what she is doing at that moment which make her feel like the time seem to pass more quickly than usual.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Hop-in Food Stores Inc Essay
Hop-In Foods Stores has historically been able to rely on internal financing and long term debt in order to continue its growth. The continued growth is attributed to acquisitions of already established stores. Hop-In management has predominantly stayed away from starting up new stores from scratch due to high start up costs. They had found out that it was easier and more cost effective to buy up smaller stores in good locations. As of 1976 all of Hop-Inââ¬â¢s expansion was financed by long term debt or equity shed out by upper management. Prior to 1976, Hop-In had had common shares outstanding, but was primarily traded only in Virginia. In order to continue the growth and expansion that management wanted they had to come up with additional funds. Equity financing was the answer to the Hop-In Food Stores need for the additional monies needed to cover growth costs. One of the main risks of IPO offerings is the risk of underpricing. This can be costly to both Hop-In and the investment bank. If the market decides that Hop-Inââ¬â¢s value is worth more than initially offered stock prices with rise, leaving additional money that could have been raised by the company. This money ââ¬Å"left on the tableâ⬠could have been used to finance other investments or pay down any outstanding debts. The investment bank takes on the risk from the standpoint that they did not properly value the stock price. The underpricing of stock means that they did not maximize the money Hop-In could have raised. The reputation of not properly valuing IPO prices can lead to lost future business. In order to determine Hop-Inââ¬â¢s new issue price, Mr. Merriman must first forecast the next five years of free cash flows. He should first create pro forma balance sheets and income statements. Once the financial have been forecasted the next step is to figure out what free cash flows are. This can be by multiplying EBIT*(1-tax), adding back depreciation, subtracting the change in capital expenditures, and also subtracting the change in net working capital. This will give you free cash flows for the year. These numbers need to be determined on a yearly basis of at least 5 years into the future. The next step is then to find out the WACC, aka r, of the company. This can be found by the equation, rd(1-tax)(D/V)+re(E/V). Once WACC is found all of the free cash flows need to be discounted back to present values. Another factor that must be found is growth. This can be discovered by doing a industry analysis to determine what the growth rate is expected to be. The growth rate is used to find the terminal value of Hop-In at its horizon date (5 years out). This terminal value is then discounted back to present value. The summation of all PV cash flows plus PV of the terminal value give you the value of the firm. The last step is to subtract the debt of the firm to land at the current equity value of the company. This equity value can then be divided by the number of shares outstanding or planning on being offered to come up with the IPO share price. Mr. Merriman has a difficult decision deciding what the final offering price will be. He has guaranteed a low value of $10 per share. He obviously wants it to close at a price higher than this because his firm will take a substantial loss since they will purchase all the shares from Hop-In Foods. Investment banks usually give a range of possible prices instead of a single definite stock price. This range will consist of the low value of $10, plus 6% in fees, giving a final low value of $10. 60. The high value is calculated by redoing the firm value analysis; taking away all debt and making it an entirely equity financing company. Doing the same before mentioned process will give you a high value. In the end Mr. Merriman should pick a final offering price right in the middle of the low and high value.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay On Internet Privacy - 1471 Words
Subhajit Debnath SUID 331531789 IST 618 Summer 2017 online Policy Essay #2 Privacy In todayââ¬â¢s world, Privacy and Security comes hand in hand with internet. Technology allows us free speech and freedom of information over the internet, by imposing strict laws and policies regulating the privacy and security of our information. According to Richard Clarke, free expression over the internet and its privacy are two sides of the same coin (Privacy and security(n.d.)). Writing blogs, uploading posts, comments or pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, networking or sharing links on Linkedin are all considered as our free expression and its security is our right. Individual right toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This policy is applicable only on the search engines. The individual can request the search engine companies to not show his information like blogs, news, videos, articles or websites when someone searches about him. However, the news channels, media, websites or blogs can retain the information but the search engines cannot show the information publicly on search machines. The individual can only request for putting down the links, but the decision is on the search engine company if they would accept the individualââ¬â¢s request. In my opinion, I believe such law should be diminished. If this continues, a criminal, a doctor, a pharmacist, an engineer or a politician can remove their earlier misdeeds from the search engines. People would not be able to access their background and might take some wrong decisions. Individuals can get away from their earlier malicious deeds just due to this law of ââ¬ËRight to be Forgottenââ¬â¢ that hides such individualââ¬â¢s information from the common people. This goes against the right to get access to information or freedom of information for common people. For example, if a doctor has some negative record about a surgery that went wrong leading to a patientââ¬â¢s death and he removes such information from the search engine, people cannot take the right decision whether to choose t he doctor. Again, people might end up voting a politician who has corruption cases against him. If there is review about a restaurant serving unhealthy food,Show MoreRelatedPrivacy on Internet Essay1587 Words à |à 7 PagesIII April 1st, 2012 Internet Privacy Essay With the internet gaining such popularity, privacy has become a thing of the past. People have come to accept that strangers can view personal information about them on social networks such as facebook, and companies and the government are constantly viewing peoplesââ¬â¢ activity online for a variety of reasons. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Slavery Of The Native Americans - 1593 Words
Racism has been around as long as we have, you could argue that it is a part of human nature- but is it? It all started with slavery; it was custom to use African Americans for a wealthy, white manââ¬â¢s dirty work. Later, the government called for the relocation and removal of the Native Americans to small reservations, so the european settlers could steal their land, and hunt the native animal speciesââ¬â¢ that the indianââ¬â¢s relied so heavily on to near extinction. Many of the indians on the reservations died of starvation, disease, or violence, while the government sat and watched. Jumping forward, we see a man by the name of Adolf Hitler come to power and take over the entirety of Germany. He believed in an Aryan master race, or the idealâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦One night, a now famous woman, Rosa Parks, had enough and and claimed her seat in the front of the bus, where only whites were allowed to sit, and refused to move. Parks became under physical and verbal attack by white citizens, and policemen, before she was arrested and fined. In the middle of the chaos, a small collection of white men formed a ââ¬Å"societyâ⬠of terrorists who dressed in white robes and a hood to hide their identity. We all know them as the Ku Klux Klan, or the KKK. This group did horrible acts towards African Americans out of spite hatred. These acts include: torment, hangings, murder, and burning of the dark-skin people. ââ¬Å"Societiesâ⬠like the KKK still exist today, such as the Skinheads, promoting ââ¬Å"Love and not Hateâ⬠. However, hate is all they seem to spread. ââ¬Å"The Skinheads are among the most dangerous radical-right threats facing law enforcement today. The products of a frequently violent and criminal subculture, these men and women, typically inspired with neo-Nazi beliefs about Jews, blacks, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people and others, are also notoriously difficult to track.â⬠( 2015, Southe rn Poverty Law Center).They are split up into many small groups to minimize attention and will strike when least expected. Although, You donââ¬â¢t need to be in a notorious radical group to be a part of racist activity. Such activity goes on every day all around us. Races such as African American, Latin American, or Asian, are stereotyped
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